Biologic Dentistry
Biologic dentistry is a holistic approach to dental care that recognizes and respects the complex relationship between oral health and whole body health. It brings together the best that modern clinical dentistry has to offer with traditional healing wisdom and complementary therapies such as nutrition, chiropractic care, and naturopathic medicine.
Also called biological dentistry, it is not, strictly speaking, a separate specialty of dentistry but a philosophy, a thought process, an attitude.
Biologic Dentistry
With biologic dentistry, we seek the safest, least invasive, and least toxic ways to address each patient’s dental needs. Biocompatibility is a must. As a biological dentist, Dr. Rob Herzog never places metal dental work. He uses only BPA-free, fluoride-free composite resins, along with porcelain and other ceramic materials such as zirconia. Ozone, a powerful natural antimicrobial that also helps stimulate the body’s innate healing mechanisms, is used in every procedure he does.
Biologic dentistry also places a premium on prevention. Simply, the best dentistry is the least dentistry. No replacements can ever be as good as your natural teeth. Regular cleanings and exams are only a part of it. True prevention also incorporates things such as diet and nutrition, sleep, exercise, stress management, and more.
Similarly, Dr. Herzog will incorporate your medical history into planning your dental care, seeing if there are systemic issues that may be playing a role in your current oral health just as he considers how your oral health may be affecting other aspects of your health and well-being.
The biologic perspective recognizes that everything is connected, and that certain dental situations can become burdens that may affect your overall health. These include the presence of “silver” mercury amalgam fillings and other dental materials with ingredients you may be sensitive to; latent infection in treated teeth; and osteonecrotic lesions in the jaw (areas of hidden infection, which many patients refer to as “cavitations”).
Not all of these situations will affect everyone in the same way, of course. The key is to be able to identify and address any dental factors that may be negatively affecting your health and well-being. Highly skilled in this area, Dr. Herzog has helped many a patient regain their health by addressing any dental barriers and is happy to work with your other healthcare providers to coordinate care for best results.