4 Reasons to Use an Oral Irrigator

To maintain the best oral hygiene, you’ll need an assortment of tools that include, at a minimum, a toothbrush and ADA-approved toothpaste with fluoride. Flossing is also an essential step, and can be done with dental flossing string or tape. But there’s another tool that can be used, and yourdentist in Albany, NY hopes you’ll at least consider it for your family. That tool is an oral irrigator, and if you’ve never heard of it, you’re going to be surprised at all the great reasons to invest in one.

1. They’re Fun to Use!

Using an oral irrigator is like using a garden hose inside your mouth. Kids especially love the sensation of squirting water in their mouths and not getting into trouble with mom and dad! Seriously, though, oral irrigators help to alleviate the boredom that can set in around oral hygiene after years and years of flossing.

2. They’re Great With Braces

If any members of your family wear braces, oral irrigators are almost a must-have. They can get all kinds of food debris out that’s been trapped in the wires and brackets of braces. Even stubborn little bits yield once this steady stream of water has been applied.

3. They Speed Up the Process

It can take several minutes to successfully complete dental flossing. If you’re a busy individual who just wants to do a good job with flossing in as little time as possible, then an oral irrigator is the way to go.

4. They’re an Elegant Solution

Using dental floss or tape is messy—and smelly. It’s awkward to use, and the resulting old food debris on the string or tape isn’t pleasant. With oral irrigators, all that yucky food debris gets flushed out of the gaps in teeth, ready to be rinsed away with mouthwash or water.

Try an oral irrigator, and we think you’ll agree it’s a great solution for oral hygiene that will make your next dental cleaning in Albany, NY a breeze!

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