Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique
A mercury-safe dentist does not place mercury fillings. A Mercury-Free Dentist is aware of the dangers of removing amalgam fillings to the staff and the patient. Dr. Herzog is accredited by the IAOMT as a Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART) dentist and as such uses special safety precautions to make the procedure as safe as possible for the patient. The following is a short explanation of the SMART protocol:
A nitrile dam in the mouth is necessary to remove the possibility of vapor and particles entering the throat and lungs.
The filling is cut into pieces as large as possible.
A stream of water is used to keep the filling as cool during cutting, reducing the amount of mercury vapor released.
High-volume and high-powered suction is used to remove as much vapor and particulate matter as possible.
A “clean-up” instrument, which fits over the tooth and directs nearly all of the vapor and gray matter directly into the vacuum, is often used.
An alternate air supply is used for the patient.